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Before and After Face

Just a little pick me up. Cheeks and lips. Adding a wee bit of volume in the midface near her nose, makes her nose appear better defined.

She came in for cheeks, and left instead with a beautiful CHIN!

Top to bottom, see what wrinkle relaxers can do.

She thought she had dark circles; she just needed some volume. (tear trough)

Difficult case here. Lots of asymmetry and corners that dissappear.

A small amount of definition along the borders makes all the difference.

Yes, this is the same person. Those lips took TWO syringes of product; Restylane L and Versa.

Cheeks chin and lips. Beautiful young woman.

The drama in these lips is SO worth it. Model perfect.

Lifting the mid face helped restore her jawline.

Aging isn't pretty, but much of it can be made better.

Lifting cheeks created a sharper jawline.

Temples, cheeks, smile lines and chin.

Adding a bit in midface erased the smile lines. Lip hydration too.

Jawline rebuild and chin, Amazing transformation.
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